Chia Seed Pudding with Essential Oils
On my PCOS journey, I learned about chia seeds. Chia seeds have a lot of fiber with a lot of Omega-3 fatty acids and protein. It's a PCOS dream come true, or anybody's healthy food dream come true. There is a catch, it's not the best tasting thing you've ever had. However, I have found a way to make them taste good, like pretty good!
First, you need to find some chia seeds. I use Bob's Red Mill organic whole chia seeds. I found these at a local organic grocery. Most whole food grocery stores carry them. I know Amazon Market sells them, but Amazon won't deliver yet to where we live.
First, you need to find some chia seeds. I use Bob's Red Mill organic whole chia seeds. I found these at a local organic grocery. Most whole food grocery stores carry them. I know Amazon Market sells them, but Amazon won't deliver yet to where we live.
Now, making the chia seeds for the first time is what got me. You can't expect to make them and eat them immediately. You need to let them sit for at least 10 minutes!!
What I do is mix 1 cup of lactose free milk with 1/4 cup of chia seeds in a Mason Jar.
**I know that dairy is not a good option for people with PCOS. However, my husband is allergic to nuts, so almond milk is out of the question. And we can't stand the taste of coconut milk. So, as soon as I find a dairy free milk that won't send my husband into anaphylactic shock, and we like the taste, I'll let you know.
Anyway, combine the two in a jar. Close the jar lid and shake it like you just don't care. Or shake what your mama gave ya. Shake it like a Polaroid picture. I think you get it. Shake the dang jar!
The shaking helps pop the seeds to get that bubbly taste you'll get from the porridge.
Once you've shook your groove thing and the jar, put the jar in the refrigerator. As I said, let it sit for at least 10 minutes. You can also do this at night and have it ready for the next day.
Now, once you're ready to eat, take out the desired amount and place it in a bowl. Go ahead, taste it just plain. I don't like it, but I think you should at least experience it once.
When you finish gagging, you need to grab two of my favorite essential oils: lime vitality and grapefruit vitality. Add one drop of each in the bowl. If you're not used to putting oils in your food, I would highly suggest getting something with a metal tip and dipping it in the oil bottle then in your food. This way you don't get a full drop, and you can work your way up.
Now to really make it good. Take a bottle of Ningxia Red (heaven in a bottle) and put two cap-fulls of Ningxia in your porridge. Mix this up well with a spoon.
**INSERT buy my products here: if you do not have any Young Living essential oils or products, I would love to help you get some. Here is a link to my page to get you started
Don't worry, I'll help you learn all you need to know.
I like to then top mine off with some strawberries and blackberries. You can use any kind of fruit that you like. The blackberries just really accent it well to me.
Now, enjoy! No, it's not Chik-fil-a or Raising Canes (which sound so good), but it is a food that will help you on your journey to a better PCOS life.
If you have any questions, leave a comment so that I can answer them and connect with you. I would love to see a picture of your Young Living essential oil chia seed recipes.
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